A single level in which you can perform multiple movements (Jump, Dash, Wall Jump, Wall Slide, Wall Climb, Wall Grab) to reach the top.

You can change each movement keyBinding, check the default ones in Options/Input

if you like the game and want to give us feedback or support us and follow the deveplopment you can join our server https://discord.gg/d4B3KYECWc

*When you first start the game the window can be with black bars, in that case maximize it and then escape for fix the bug its fixed, its a Unity WebGl problem, we recomend you to download the game for a better experience*


ShortPlattformer-Windows.zip 27 MB
ShortPlattformer-Mac.zip 36 MB
ShortPlattformer-Linux.zip 42 MB

Install instructions

For Windows: download the zip file, decompress it, and open the ShortPlattformer.exe file

For Mac: not yet

For Linux: not yet